Leading actress Haniya Aamir says that she has made New Year's promise she will make talk videos and disappoint actress and host Fahd Mustafa.news world ahmed
Keep parents away from children, Fahd Mustafa
In her video, Haniya Amir ridiculed the actor and host Fahad Mustafa and said, "I have vowed for the new year that the more I can use, the more I will use the TalkTalk app and it will disappoint Fahad Mustafa. I will. '
The actress said, "I have an account on the TalkTalk app but I have only uploaded one video and I have been playing the piano in this video but my New Year's promise is that I am now a regular Talk Talk app. Will use. 'current world news
A student was shot dead while making a video on Tick Talk
He said, "I will now be active on the TalkTalk app and make videos soon because TalkTalk is a great social app for entertainment."
It should be noted that in recent days Fahd Mustafa tweeted on the social networking site Twitter, in which he wrote to parents that 'God forbid your children be tickled because this is not a healthy activity'.current world news
They also wrote that 'the whole nation is not busy doing anything special,' and they also used the hashtag DoSomethingProductive in their tweets.
After this tweet, Fahd Mustafa tweeted, congratulating the New Year, in which he wrote, "Happy New Year to everyone and do not forget to stay away from talk."
It is to be remembered that the eleventh party Syed of Sialkot was killed in a shoot-out while making a talk-talk video in Sialkot last day, after which Fahd Mustafa tweeted about using the TalkTalk app.