
Mahesh Hayat condemns General Qasim Sulaimani's murder

The star-studded Pakistani actress Mahesh Hayat has condemned the assassination of Iranian commander Qasim Sulaimani in a US airstrike world ahmed
 Mahesh Hayat condemns General Qasim Sulaimani's murder

On the social networking site Twitter, Mahesh Hayat wrote in his message that 'I cannot believe that the world stands on the brink of war after 72 hours of the New Year.'

Can't believe that just 72 hours into 2020 & the world is already teetering on the edge of war. I guess this is what happens when the "leader of the free world" takes unilateral decisions without regard for international laws. This is just abt Iran & USA.God protect us #Soleimani

He wrote that "it is only when the leaders of the free countries make unilateral decisions regardless of international laws and conditions and this is not limited to Iran and the United States, may Allah protect us."current world news

Mahesh Hayat also wrote the hashtag 'Sulaimani' at the end of his tweet.

A user question on Mahesh's question raised the ability of women to understand international affairs, and Mahesh's response came as well.

See also: Baghdad: US attack, 5 killed, including commander Iranian Holy Force

A user responded jokingly to Mahesh's tweet, "Ever since women started taking interest in international affairs.current world news"

Mahesh wrote in response to the user that 'the great woman of France, the master of beauty and beauty, the ancient Egyptian queen Klopetra, Britain's first female Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Pakistan's only female Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto taking the name of martyr. He said that these are just a few names.current world news

He cautioned the user that it was time to come out of your little place where you were staying and enjoying coffee.