The Lahore High Court Rawalpindi Bench heard a case related to the disappearance of Colonel Retired Award Rahim Advocate, during which the Defense Ministry confessed to holding Colonel world ahmed
Pakistan Bar Council condemns kidnapping of Colonel (R) Aramur Rahim Advocate
Justice Mirza Waqas Rauf of the Lahore High Court Rawalpindi Bench heard the case.
A Defense Ministry representative told the court that Colonel Retired Rehman Rahim was with us and was being questioned.current world news
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The petitioner's counsel held in the court that neither the Defense Ministry nor any of its entities could retain Colonel Retired Rehman.current world news
The court expressed indignation at the government representatives and ordered the Additional Attorney General to appear tomorrow.current world news
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The Lahore High Court Rawalpindi bench adjourned the hearing till tomorrow.