
9 deadliest viruses that have devastated the world

LAHORE (Sabirshah) To date, at least nine deadly viruses have wreaked havoc on the inhabitants of the earth, war and geogroup research has proven that millions of lives have been world ahmed
 9 deadliest viruses that have devastated the world

Influenza pandemic or Spanish flu infected 500 million people worldwide from January 1918 to December 1920, killing 50 to 100 million people. A century ago, the worst ombudsman in human history died from 3-5% of the total population at that time.current world news

"According to the Journal of Transnational Medicine, the death toll from the outbreak in the 24 weeks was higher than the number of people who died of HIV AIDS in 24 years.

Scientists believe that the outbreak caused by the virus began to spread 12,000 years ago when humans began developing agricultural populations.

The US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health says there are 219 types of viruses that can infect humans, of which yellow nephritis virus was discovered in 1901, and currently 3 to 4 viruses are discovered every year.current world news

 After the discovery of the tobacco mosaic virus in 1892 and the foot and mouth disease virus in 1898, the first filtrate agent found in humans was the yellow fever virus in 1901.

According to an October 2016 article in the New York Science News website "LiveScience", humans are already fighting the virus before our generation.

The website has also developed into a modern one.

See also: Corona virus exceeds 2,000 victims

A disease smallpox that we have been able to eradicate, and save the world from new cases. According to Live Science, the 9 deadliest viruses in the world are Marburg, Ebola, rabies, HIV, smallpox, Hunts virus, influenza, dengue and Rota viruses are.

Here are some details of these viruses. The virus was identified by scientists in 1967, when a small outbreak broke out among laboratory workers in Germany, caused by monkeys imported from Uganda.

The first outbreak was 25 percent, but with the outbreak of 1998-2000 in the Republic of the Congo, the death toll in Angola's 2005 outbreak was more than 80 percent.

According to the World Health Organization, Ebola spread to Sudan and the Congo in 1976. Ebola is transmitted through blood or other body parts, or through tissue from affected individuals or animals. Ebola ration does not make people sick, but the rate is up to 50%, and in Sudan tensions it is up to 71%.

According to the WHO, the outbreak began in early 2014 in West Africa, and is the most pandemic of the disease to date.current world news

Although rabies, a pet-based rabies vaccine that was introduced in the 1920s, has helped to reduce the disease drastically in the developing world, it remains a serious problem in India and parts of Africa. Is.

If you do not cure after the virus is infected you are 100% likely to die. HIV / AIDS may be the deadliest virus in the modern world. It is estimated that 36 million people have died of HIV since the disease was first diagnosed in the early 1980s.

Powerful antiviral drugs have made it possible for people to live with HIV for years, but the disease continues to devastate low- and middle-income countries, where 95 percent of new HIV infections occur. About 1 out of every 20 adult HIV cases in Africa is found.

Smallpox, World Health Organization declared the world gluten-free in 1980. But before that, humans battled smallpox for thousands of years, and the disease killed 1 out of every 3 affected people.

The survivors will have deep, permanent stains and often blindness. According to historians, 90% of the American population has died from smallpox introduced by European explorers.

Smallpox killed 300 million people in the 20th century alone. The Hanta virus, Hanta virus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), first gained attention in the United States in 1993 when it was healthy within days of shortness of breath. The couple had died.

A few months later, health authorities discovered the Hunta virus from a deer mouse living in the home of one of the victims. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 600 people in the United States are now infected with HPS, and 36 percent have died from the disease. It is evident that during the Korean War in the early 1950s, the Hanta virus spread an outbreak.

And according to a 2010 report published in the journal Clinical Microbiology Review, more than 3000 soldiers were affected, and 12 percent of them died. According to influenza, WHO, the flu season kills up to 500,000 people globally, but occasionally when a new flu comes out, the spread of pandemic disease is accelerated and often the death rate is high. ۔

Dengue, the dengue virus, first appeared in the Philippines and Thailand in the 1950s, and has spread worldwide. About 40% of the world's population lives in areas where dengue is infected.

According to WHO, dengue fever rates lower than some other viruses. The virus can cause Ebola-like illness called dengue haemorrhagic fever, and if left untreated, the mortality rate is 20%. The virus, the most important cause of diarrhea-related illness in infants and young children, is the Rota virus, with 2 vaccines now available to protect children.

Although infants rarely die of Rota virus infection in the developed world, the disease is a killer in the developing world, where rehydration treatment is not available. The World Health Organization estimates that 453,000 children under the age of 5 died in 2008 of a Rota virus infection.

But the countries that have introduced the vaccine have seen a rapid decline in deaths from the Rota virus. Memes and birds are caused by an illness that includes diarrhea in cows and pigs, and upper respiratory disease in chickens.

Some of these types are serious, though 858 people from the Middle East have died from the RSS, which first appeared in 2012 in Saudi Arabia and then in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and other countries in Europe.

In April 2014 the first American victim of MERS was admitted to a hospital in Indiana and another case was reported in Florida. Both had returned from Saudi Arabia. In May 2015, an outbreak of MERs spread in Korea, the largest outbreak since the Arabian Peninsula.

 In 2003, 774 people died of severe breathing syndrome (SARS). Since 2015 there have been no more reports regarding this specific syndrome.

Although MERs and SARS are types of corona viruses. But in early January 2020, the World Health Organization identified a new variant of the virus in China. It is being hotly debated in the media worldwide.