
The internal story of the federal cabinet change came to light

The internal story of the change in the federal cabinet has surfaced, sources say, adding that Prime Minister Imran Khan has been consulting for several weeks for changes to the federal world ahmed
 The internal story of the federal cabinet change came to light

According to sources, the Federal Cabinet had to make an emergency announcement on the arrival of a report of sugar, flour crisis.

Prime Minister's Advisor to Establishment Shahzad Arbab has been made a goat to bring Babar Awan into the cabinet. Babar Awan will be a parliamentary affairs minister and the post will be equal to the federal minister, Babar Awan was not ready to be an assistant special.

Sources say that a sudden change in the federal cabinet gave Khosro Bakhtiar's dissolution and Hamad Azhar a boost. Khusro Bakhtiar was the Federal Minister for Food Security, now one of the three divisions of the Ministry of Finance will be the minister of the division, Hamad Azhar, now promoted, became the federal minister of industry and commerce from the division.current world news

Hafiz Sheikh will continue to be the finance and revenue advisor to the two major divisions of the Ministry of Finance, Hamad Azhar was the Minister of Economic Affairs Division, one of the three divisions of the Ministry of Finance.

According to the Constitution's Rules of Business, the Prime Minister can hold only five advisers; Amin Aslam, Hafiz Sheikh, Razzaq Dawood and Ishrat Hussain are in the positions of advisers.

Ali Muhammad Khan Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs will remain intact and will represent the government in the House.

The Prime Minister currently has 13 assistants, four of whom hold the post of Minister of State.