Prime Minister Imran Khan's Assistant Special Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan says the nationwide lockdown has begun broadcasting telecast from 8am this morning to non-school-going world ahmed
In a statement on the social networking site Twitter, Prime Minister Imran Khan's Assistant Special Information and Broadcast Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan has said that the educational process for children is suspended due to the Corona virus outbreak.
He said that children and other students sitting at home through the channel will be able to receive instruction. The broadcasting period will be from 8am to 6pm.
PTV has started a regular broadcast of tele-school broadcasts from 8am this morning.
The project demonstrates Imran Khan's vision of promoting education in the country.
Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan said that students from elementary to twelfth grade will be able to benefit from this tele-school broadcast.
He added that children who do not go to school will also benefit from the tele-school, which can be viewed through both satellite and antenna.current world news
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Prime Minister Imran Khan's Special Assistant also said that children and students from remote areas would be able to benefit from this teaching.