
Wake up, bad times are yet to come

Islamabad: Wake up, bad times are yet to come. Official sources say that people's lives are in danger of falling as autumn leaves world ahmed
 Wake up, bad times are yet to come

According to the details, 9/11 changed the world 19 years ago when 19 Arabian hijackers crashed four planes at the World Trade Center, New York and Washington at Pentagon, killing 2977 people.

After that, the United States launched a war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq, spending $ 109 billion by 2020, but the world is not safe yet.

This year there has been another deadly attack on the world and it is the Corona virus attack that has once again changed the whole world. It started in China in January, 2020, and during the first two months, it affected more than 7 million people and killed nearly 35,000 people. The United States has been the worst affected by the virus, though the most casualties so far have been in Italy.

Scientists have warned that the situation will only get worse. Recent studies by Imperial College, London show that 4 million people are expected to be killed this year due to the Corona virus.

Experts also say that the number of patients in Western countries is seeing a rapid increase because of the excellent test facilities there.current world news

While China and Iran lack these facilities. In Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and other South Asian countries, the mortality rate is not high until the end of March, 2020, but the rapid increase in the number of patients is a sign of danger.

The nuclear powers of the world are also looking forward to the Corona virus. It has mixed the pride of being America's superpower, while the reality of other Western countries has come to light.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has also been infected with the Corona virus. China has been challenging US economic power for the past several years, but the Corona virus has put a question mark on the strength of both countries.

The only solution for controlling the Corona virus is by China, and now the whole world is following the same Chinese model. Initially, China and the United States were accusing each other of spreading the virus.

Iraqi leader Muqadat al-Sadr tweeted March 11 that President Trump had spread the Corona virus to his hostile countries. All nuclear power stock markets have crashed. Businesses are closed. The only downside is the fast-moving process.

The fact is that scientists from China and the US have been aware of the threat of the Corona virus since 2007, but no one was willing to listen. In October 2007, a study published in the Clinical Microbiology Review stated that the situation in China regarding a deadly virus is like a time bomb.

In the Journal of the American Society for Microbiology, which was written by four scientists working at Hong Kong universities. One of them was Qiqing Yuen from China who collected information from various Chinese sources.

He clearly wrote that food trends in southern China, including bats, are a time bomb. They warned of the danger of returning from SARS and other dangerous viruses.

The US think tank RAND Corporation also warned again in 2012 that the United States was more prone to terrorism than terrorism. But US policymakers ignored it. They were spending $ 100 billion annually in the fight against terrorism. While only $ 1 billion was being kept for pestilence.

Bill Gates warned in 2015 that pandemic diseases like Ebola were nothing short of a nightmare for him, as they could kill millions in a year. But they were also ignored.

Former US President Barack Obama's Homeland Security Advisor Lisa Monaco paid some attention to possible pandemic disorders, but Donald Trump became president.

Leading American magazine Atlantic warned in 2018 that the next plague would come in the form of influenza. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in America warned in 2019 that a new virus might be coming from China, but the Trump administration ignored it.

Experts at Johns Hopkins demanded a billion dollars extra to tackle the pandemic. But Trump repeatedly ignored it, believing that only China would pay for it. They were focusing solely on the media rather than on the Corona virus. Both China and the United States made mistakes.

After the outbreak of the Corona virus, Trump allocated $ 20 trillion to help the US economy and his nation, but the governments of Pakistan and India do not have that much money. The next difficult step for them will be the economic epidemic.

Lockdown is leading to widespread unemployment and poverty in many countries. Pakistan and India spent more money buying weapons than building a strong health system.

Now we have to pay a heavy price for this war madness. Now is the time to put an end to the fighting and to fight the Corona virus.

It is easy to write off a fight dispute but its implementation is difficult for our leaders. In fact, their ego is bigger than our common problems.

This is being said because top health officials in the field of health have strongly warned that the Punjab and the center's political leadership are unable to grasp the fact that without a full 21-day lockdown.