Former UN Ambassador to the United Nations Hussein Haroon has revealed that the rapidly spreading corona virus in the world was developed in a laboratory under a deliberate world ahmed
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"After researching and researching the rumors, it was felt that many important things were being deleted," he said.
He said the John Liu Corona virus is not natural, but it was developed in the laboratory as a conspiracy to create a disease that causes panic among people.current world news
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In his video message, "Corona" obtained a patent or approval from a US company in 2006; it was not obtained from any other location in 2014 to show that its vaccine was patented. But it was formally approved in November 2019, with the vaccine being launched in Israel.
On the other hand, Israel has made it very clear that only countries that believe in us will be vaccinated.
He also considered it important to point out that the United States had been suffering from Chinese development for some time.
The former ambassador also provided details regarding the patent number in his video message.
The former ambassador said that Corona was built at the Pir Bright Institute in England, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
"People who travel around the world that we have come to help you are concerned about people's health, but they have different intentions," he said.
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The Johns Hopkins, Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum helped fund the virus, he said.
He cited the reason for giving Corona a specific 'Covid-19', saying that Corona was created with the permission of the Center of Disease Control (CDC).
He said before the outbreak of the disease in Wuhan, the aforementioned countries felt the need to make a medicine and also practiced on a computer called 'event 201'.
He also hid that Cedric Chinck, a Chinese biologist, is currently detained in England.
The former ambassador's video message is circulating on social media.