
The United States has been in war for 225 years out of 243 of its history

Lahore (Sabir Shah) The United States has been in the war for 225 years out of 243 since its inception in world ahmed
 The United States has been in war for 225 years out of 243 of its history

In just 20 years of peace, this means that the United States spent 92% of its time in warfare since it came into existence.

By 2017, the number of US military intervention in the United States was 188.

The facts about US declaration and non-declaration of military intervention in foreign countries since 1811 are that the United States invaded Chile when the Latin American country was liberated from Spain a year later.current world news

By 2017, the United States intervened in the electoral process 188 times and 117 times from 1946 to 2000. In the meantime, both the US and Russia have a long history of engaging in foreign electoral fraud and encouraging military governments. The United States has intervened 46 times overseas between 1948 and 1991, and military intervention has increased fourfold between 1992 and 2017.

The number reached 188. According to an American newspaper, during the Cold War until December 2016, governments in 72 countries tried to change.

Between 1949 and 2000, the United States carried out 27 covert military operations in foreign countries in 1954.current world news

In 1981, then-US President Ronald Reagan approved funding for the CIA in the "secret wars" to overthrow the elected government in Nicaragua.