Talking to host Saleem Safi in Geo News program Jirga, the leading scholar Javed Ahmad Ghamdi has said that Taib Erdo ۔an and Mahathir Muhammad are the two major leaders in the world of world ahmed
In the national state, everyone is equal citiz
en, but in Pakistan it is difficult to say, here all religions and speakers of the language are called equal citizens, but do we wholeheartedly accept this?
In the background where ISIS and al-Qaeda are born, there is friction, the issues that are discussed in Pakistan cannot be discussed in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, Turkey and Malaysia.
A large number of such Muslims are now ready to listen, no longer a positive cultural challenge may arise, Turkey is currently challenging both Israel and Saudi Arabia. Joining the Malaysian scenario is a matter of great personality. ۔
Mahathir Mohammed is a big man. After his departure, the matter will be resolved. We have created our own style of trumps but it is better not to name them. Have done.
There are currently no artifacts of the Third World War, the language of Donald Trump, the reactionary section of Narendra Modi, which was temporarily repelled by ideological aggression, not the natural foundations of nationality, but religion, color, race and cultural background. Yes, there was a nature idea against Communism.current world news
Islam has universal appeal as a religion and message, but Western cultures are no longer a threat to the Muslim nations. Iran has come to the position of challenging America's leftist rule in the Middle East.current world news
US supremacy poses a threat to Iran in the Middle East and China globally, Turkey is currently challenging both Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Joining the Malaysian scenario is just one of the great personalities of Mahathir Muhammad.
Javed Ahmad Ghamdi added that after the collapse of the empire, national states began to be established. In 1928 the world recognized that conquering a country was not a sign of you being a legitimate ruler there, it was decided that the national states were geographical and Nationality will be based on nationality.current world news
Globally, ideology is strong, but ideology was gaining political dominance, not only did the ideological defeat of the reactionary powers, but it was also dominated by political.
The natural foundations of nationalism are not religion, but color, race and cultural background, it was the natural ideology against communism, it was defeated, Communism for the first time turned into a regular system of dictatorship.
The system still exists in China today, but in the economy they have allowed capitalism to come.