
NAB still has some broad options

Islamabad (Ansar Abbasi) The latest amendments to the NAB Act have primarily addressed the needs of the business community, which will offer some relief to government employees and politicians, but without the strict powers of the bureau and its chairman. An investigation is still intact and public officials will continue to world ahmed
 NAB still has some broad options

Although the business community is fortunate that it has not been obliged to comply with NAB, the amendments made to satisfy the civil bureaucracy go far beyond the recommendations made by the Secretaries Committee. The ordinance hardly includes any of the committee's world ahmed

Unlike in the past, these amendments are more than enough for NABs to detect real instances of corruption instead of freely apprehending their temperament and wishes and mere allegations of abuse of authority or procedural flaws. Work hard.

For the immediate benefit of the government, cases like Malm Jabba and BRT Peshawar, which are being made without any evidence of money laundering on the basis of procedural flaws or misappropriation of powers, will weaken.current world news

Among others, Defense Minister Pervez Khattak and Prime Minister's Principal Secretary Azam Khan are also being asked questions in these cases. The latest changes will bring different levels of relief for Shahbaz Sharif, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Ahsan Iqbal and others.

Many of them, including opposition party politicians who are on NAB's radar, will also receive relief as this bureau continues to use 'power' as a pretext to arrest many. Which can no longer be done under a revised law.current world news

This law will benefit Shahbaz Sharif in Asian and Ramadan Sugar Mill cases as he is accused of misusing power and not being accused of any illegal or illegal financial gain.

Ahsan Iqbal and Shahid Abbasi, who have been accused of misappropriation of power or flaws in regulation and not accused of making money, will end their cases as expected by the amended law; Regarding any flaws in the Government scheme or scheme, any action under this Ordinance shall not be taken against any public official unless it is disclosed that the public servant has reasonably been Have also obtained assets or financial gains that are disproportionate to the source of income disclosed or where such material fees are incurred. Ydy can not be reasonably calculated and evidence to confirm the acquisition of such material benefit.current world news

However, it is feared that the NAB could now make allegations of financial gain for putting such political figures behind bars. The new amendment will also prevent NAB from taking action against those who make good decisions unless there is definitive evidence of any financial gain or assets that are irrelevant to the source of income shown or not reasonably calculated. Can be taken

The revised law, such as Ahad Cheema and Fawad Chaudhry, will hardly benefit because the recommendations of the Secretaries Committee have not been approved to provide bail in the case of prolonged imprisonment of civil servants without the result of trial.current world news

Particularly disappointing for the Civil Bureau Christie is that the cruel and unusual powers of arrest by the Chairman NAB are still intact. Similarly, 90-day rigorous remand was not touched.

Chairman NAB can still reopen any closed inquiry at any time. Despite the Supreme Court's directive to include a bail clause in NAB law, this ordinance does not give these powers to the trial court. In NAB cases, legal bail has still been dropped in the case of the accused behind bars for one year.

One of the serious flaws in NAB law is how to protect the accused from abuse of authority by NAB and its chairman. The powers of the chairman were not formalized.

Generally, NAB suspects complain that the Bureau wrongly includes the assets of their relatives as the anonymity of the accused even in cases where the relatives show their assets in tax declaration.

There is still no timeline to close the investigation, which has been going on for 4 years, resulting in harassment of the accused and defense witnesses.current world news

Sources in the bureaucracy insist that some fundamental amendments to the NAB law are needed to avoid a legal system failure and ensure a clean trial.