India's indiscriminate firing on the Line of Control (LoC) killed 2 Pakistani army soldiers, and in response to the Pak army, 3 Indian soldiers were world ahmed
According to Pakistan Army Department of Public Relations (ISPR), in the last 36 hours, the ceasefire agreement on the Line of Control by India has been violated which the Pakistan Army has responded strongly to.
According to the DGISPR, Indian checkpoints were targeted in response to Pak army in Haji Pir sector on Line of Control, 3 Indian soldiers were killed and some Indian soldiers were injured in retaliation.current world news
Dg Ispr
Indian CFVs along LOC during the last 36 hours. Responding to CFVs, Haji Pir Sector Pakistan Army troops damaged Indian post killing 3 Indian soldiers including a Subedar, few injured too. In Dewa Sector Naib Subedar Kandero and Sepoy Ehsan of Pak Army embraced Shahadat.current world news
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The DGISPR said that the indiscriminate firing of Indian Army killed 2 Pak army soldiers in Deva Sector, Kandiro deputy subordinate Kandiro and Soldier Mohammad Ehsan were among those killed.