LONDON (News Agencies, Jang News, Murtaza Ali Shah) The young man who attacked the London Bridge with a knife was identified as Pakistani-born Usman Khan. Usman Khan's parents belong to the working class of Azad Kashmir but he is on stock I was born in a knife-wielding attack on London Bridge on Friday, killing two people while the assailants were killed in retaliation by the police.
Following the incident, British authorities have called for an emergency meeting of the Cobra Committee. Usman had previously been jailed for plotting to attack the London Stock Exchange.
In 2012, he was sentenced to imprisonment for an indefinite period of at least eight years for public safety. He was sentenced to more than eight years in prison.
However, in 2013, the court overturned his sentence and gave him a new sentence, according to which he was sentenced to 16 years, of which Usman had to serve half his sentence in prison.
According to The Telegraph, Usman Khan also wrote a letter during his sentence in prison stating that he wants to abide by Islamic teachings and wants to abandon violence.
Usman wrote in the letter that he wanted to live his life as a good citizen.
According to a British newspaper, Usman had asked his lawyer to list his name in a de-recalculation program to convince authorities that he was willing to quit.
Usman Khan belonged to a 9-member group of extremists from Talk on Trent, Cardiff and London, who were sentenced in February 2012; Osman was 19 years old at the time of sentencing and was the youngest of the group. The majority of members of this group were British Bangladeshis, only 3 of them were born in Bangladesh, while the rest were born in the UK.
Indian media has posted fake news to link Osman Khan to London Bridge attacker Pakistan, while the fact is that as far as London Bridge attacker Usman Khan's extremist views, conviction and hatred on terrorism are concerned. The hot process has nothing to do with Pakistan.
Indian media have shown that Osman Khan, the suspect in the January 30 terrorist attack on the London Bridge, was shot dead by British police and was born in Pakistan, while it is an absolute lie and an attempt to discredit Pakistan.
The representative attended some of the 2012 trial of a terrorism charge against the accused in Woolwich Crown Court, along with eight others accused of planning a bombing on the London Stock Exchange. The sentence was pronounced.
Contrary to the false and untrue news published in the Indian media, Osman Khan's birthplace of his parents in the Woll Crown Court trial did not prove any connection to Pakistan or AJK.
During the trial, statements of counter-terrorism police specialists were also taken regarding his plan to establish a jihadist camp in Azad Kashmir.
The evidence presented to the court at the time proved that Pakistan was not involved in a scandalous plot by Usman Khan and his associates.
During the trial, it was clear that Usman Khan was influenced by al-Qaeda's views on the terrorist group, but his likes were linked to online groping, local extremist groups and extremism widely available online and on social circles. From the literature, there were clear indications of Usman Khan's mental turmoil and mental disturbance during the terrorist trial.
Usman Khan was admitted to a local stock school but could not study, Osman Khan, from a backward and socially isolated background, started associating with local street gangs and drug dealers. A large part of his life was spent in Prasiak, and as he grew up, he began to associate with religious extremists;
The terror group was comprised of Muhammad Shah Jahan, Omar Latif, Nazim Hussain, Usman Khan, Mohibur Rehman, Mohammed Chaudhry, Shah Rehman, Gurukanth Desai and Abdali, and Mohammad Chaudhry was the head or the head of the group, the UK's best intelligence and counter-terrorism force of 2010. Initially, the group was investigating for several months, but investigators could not find evidence of Osman Khan and his terrorist associates from any foreign countries, including Pakistan. All members of the group were terrorized. Had admitted the allegations of wide news
Members of Bangladeshi extremist-led gangs spoke to each other through claims or through Paul Talk or other Internet messaging systems. Members of the Bangladeshi gang based in London used the London Stock Exchange to monitor and monitor terrorism. Visit the White Hall, the US Embassy and other places, they secretly filmed potential terrorist wide news
Secret recordings presented in the court proved that the monthly money received by Usman Khan and other government owned land owned by Usman Khan in Kashmir.
When members of the group were arrested, Al-Qaeda's English-language extremist magazine was also found in their possession. Investigators installed spying devices on Osman Khan's stock Trent and Persia Walk homes. In which he was talking about raising funds through allowances for job wide news
The judge sentenced them, saying that gang members were planning serious long-term actions that could result in major bloodshed in the world ahmed
The judge had warned that Usman Khan was a dangerous jihadist and he would not be released, otherwise he would be a danger to the people, but Usman Khan was released with an electronic tag.
Usman Khan Mashunger Hall attended the Criminal Justice Conference in London wearing a fake suicide jacket, while the tag was attached to other convicted prisoners. He was also allowed to attend the prisoners' rehabilitation world ahmed