
Old people do not have to tangled to eat fruit

After the autumn, the weather is dry, and the elderly may wish to eat some fruit to moisturize. However, some elderly people are very careful about the "eat fruit" thing, and think that eating fruit will diarrhea, is that true news world ahmed

 Old people do not have to tangled to eat fruit

In the past, the surface of the fruit may be contaminated with parasite eggs, pathogenic microorganisms, etc., and some untreated manure is used, so that the elderly with low immunity are prone to stomach pain and diarrhea after eating. "caused. Nowadays, the pest pollution and the residue of agricultural fertilizers during fruit growth have already had quite strict national standards. After buying them, they should be carefully cleaned or peeled.ahmed news world ahmed

Some old people often tangled fruit should "eat before meals or after meals", in fact, this should depend on their own gastrointestinal conditions. Poor digestive function, too acidic fruit to eat less before meals, the elderly with gastrointestinal health do not mind, eating some before meals can also stimulate appetite. Some people think that eating fruits after a meal helps digestion, because some fruits contain strong proteases, which is what everyone calls "enzymes", which break down proteins into amino acids and peptides. However, the stomach of the human body secretes a large amount of stomach acid, and the protease has not been used to be "killed", so eating fruit immediately after a meal does not help world ahmed

Fruit is not a medicine, there is no absolute contraindications and no exaggerated treatment effects, but for some elderly people with chronic diseases, there is still some attention.

Older people with high blood pressure can eat fruits with high potassium content, including avocado, coconut, date, sea buckthorn, plantain, jackfruit, hawthorn, banana and so on. However, patients with obesity are not suitable for eating high-calorie, too sweet fruits.

People with diabetes choose fruits with low glycemic index, such as cherries, plums, pomelo, peaches, apples, pears, and strawberries. In addition, the best time to eat fruit (two meals gap), quantitative (100 grams each time).

If the elderly with chronic kidney disease have normal urine output, they can increase the intake of fruits to supplement vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. If the amount of urine is reduced and the amount of urinary potassium is reduced, the fruit intake should be limited.

Elderly people with gastroesophageal reflux should not eat sweet and sour fruits, such as orange, grapefruit, pineapple, etc. Be careful not to eat fruit on an empty stomach, and eat it 1 to 2 hours after a world ahmed