
In the human ear settled the family of Lal Bag

In China, a whole family of red bags containing more than 10 small red bags was settled inside a person's world ahmed

According to foreign media reports, a 24-year-old Chinese man named Mr Lu suddenly suffered severe pain one night, after which he told his wife that with the help of a flashlight, he could see inside the ear what was causing the world ahmed

Mr Lou's wife looked into her husband's ear and saw a large red bag.

Upon hearing the presence of red bags in the ear, he became very upset and immediately rushed to the nearest hospital, where the doctor informed him that there were more than 10 small and large red bags in his ear and that he was suffering from severe pain in his ear.ahmed

The doctor removed all the red bags from inside Mr Lou's ear, though it is not yet known when the red bags were in his world ahmed

Mr Lu told the media that he had a habit of always leaving him on the bed after eating food or world ahmed
They think this is why the red bags will come on these foods and go from there to their ears.