
How did the 11th day of Independence March begin?

Today is the eleventh day of the march of opposition parties led by Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUIF) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman and the participants are present at the HN Ground in Islamabad.

The deadlock is on the issue of Prime Minister Imran Khan's resignation and new elections in the government and world ahmed

 How did the 11th day of Independence March begin?

How did the 11th day of Independence March world ahmed

Sunday's day of sit-in at the H9 Ground in Islamabad began with early morning activities.

Freedom March: Pictures and videos of the Sirat-e-Nabi Conference

While some JUIF workers got into a clean sweep, some appeared to be busy with breakfast, with non-grains and steam-soaked tea soaking in the cold of the participants.

The majority of JUI workers studied the newspaper in the cold sun on a cold morning in Islamabad, some entertained by sports spectators to dispel the boredom.

After that, somewhere on the football field, the sun went down on the field, someone kept playing eyeball, and someone was involved in world ahmed

Also Read: Mulan Fazl-ur-Rehman will not live as a slave

In the ground, hawkers also appeared to sell common-use items, including sun glasses and warm world ahmed

Last night, Jamaat-e-Islami Islam changed its independence march to the Sirat Conference on the occasion of Eid Milad world ahmed

Speaking at the conference, JUIF Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the head of the spirit of the Freedom March, said that the rubber stamps would not accept assemblies, they wanted to establish a legitimate, constitutional and legal government in the country.