
Foods that are slowly eradicating you

Just as a car cannot run without fuel, it is essential for human beings to use good food to stay alive and healthy, but in everyday life we ​​eat many nutrients that are harmful to our health. Are also causing life to world ahmed
 Foods that are slowly eradicating you

Also read: The five items on the empty stomach are extremely harmful

What are the foods that are slowly leading you to death that you are unfamiliar with?

An important part of the human diet consists of salty nutrients, salt helps blood circulation, overuse can increase blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart world ahmed

We cannot ignore the salt too often, so it is important to use it in proper quantities daily.


Overuse of sweet foods can lead to many medical problems, including diabetes, loss of eyesight, obesity, including heart diseases, and obesity itself is the root cause of many diseases.

Periodically delicious, heart-and-eye poultry and fried foods have long-lasting health effects, according to diet experts. Used in extraordinary quantities to make the food tasty, which can lead to heart disease, weight gain, cancer, and premature gastrointestinal disorders, daily use of junk food has been slow. Is causing loss of world ahmed

The juice found in cans is not natural at all, but it is used only on packing to produce flavors, extreme sweetness, and chemicals used to keep it fresh, using a picture of the fruit, which is extremely harmful to health. Are world ahmed

Wheat plays an important role in weight gain because it contains high levels of carbohydrate ratios, which also increases the amount of insulin, including sugar levels in the blood, which leads to diabetes.

While chocolate itself is a treat, athletes and athletes use these chocolate 'energy bars' to temporarily achieve energy and improve mood; children and women like it too, but it's healthy. No diet, due to the abnormal sweetness of chocolate, fructose corn syrup, preservatives found in chemicals are harmful health and are not a good option for getting energy.ahmed

Today's human body is no longer able to digest lactose-rich nutrients from work machines, many now complain of migraine or abdominal pain after using dairy products, instead of fresh transparent milk. Use of dairy products can cause cancer, infection and asthma. If you want to use milk, make fresh and plain milk part of your world ahmed

Refined flour

Foods that are slowly eradicating you
White flour is harmful to human health; refined flour does not contain vitamins, protein, fiber, which can cause constipation, weight gain, reduced immune response and thyroid problems.


Foods that are slowly eradicating you
The main ingredient for breakfast is hydrogenated vegetable oil, which is not real, according to world

Processed meats and other foods

Foods that are slowly eradicating you
Packages stored in tin boxes in the market are readily available through chemicals, fruits, beverages, sausages, food sauces and spices and non-seasonal vegetables, they are extremely hazardous to use. Diabetes, cancer and heart disease can world ahmed

Artificial sweetener

Foods that are slowly eradicating you
In the name of sugar-free sweets, beverages, including all sorts of nutrients, which are extremely harmful to the health of the diabetes patients today, calories must be reduced due to the presence of 'aspartame' and 'nutmeg' in them. But their use is not always suitable for diabetes patients.ahmed

How fast can we eat fast in a day without fear?

According to experts diet these artificial foods use more sugar than normal diets, sugar patients should use moderate in their diet instead of using artificial sweeteners, natural sweeteners such as honey and fruits.ahmed